Pierre Players Scholarship

Pierre Players Community Theatre offers scholarships for post-secondary education and theater workshops for all ages. Funds to support the scholarships are provided by concession sales during Pierre Players' productions, with the number of scholarships awarded each year dependent on funds available. 

Post-Secondary Scholarships
Post-secondary scholarships are based on participation in fine arts programs, activities and events. Pierre Players Community Theatre participation is given preference. Scholarship awards (minimum of $500) will be disbursed directly to scholarship winners. Winners will be announced at the end of April. Applicants must be currently enrolled in high school or higher education. Applicants may apply their senior year of high school and reapply each year as they complete their post-secondary education. Applications must be received (not postmarked) by March 31, 2025.

Drama Summer Camps and Workshops
Pierre Players Community Theatre is now offering scholarships for theater-related camps and workshops in South Dakota for students wishing to develop their theater skills. This scholarship can be used for Little Players Children's Theatre events or other South Dakota community theater programs. The scholarship is based on Little Players involvement, as well as other fine arts programs. Applicants can apply up to one month before a camp or workshop for a maximum of 50% of the camp or workshop cost. All applications will be reviewed by Pierre Players Education Committee and awarded in a timely fashion directly to the applicant.